A month of Wrist Watches

One thing I collected until I got myself a Fitbit was watches. It's been since high school hat I had a fascination with them. I used to love those Citizen watch ads where they painted and staged someone's hand to look like an animal. For my collection I set them to the time of 10:10 when they are not being used. Many print ads show analog watches with the arms set to this time, which long ago a high school friend pointed out to me. 

I decided to show a month of the watches in my collection.

To start out what would become "my collection" was this first watch as a young adult. I might have had a watch earlier, but I didn't start collecting them until this particular watch. A boyfriend gave it to me. It was when I was in my punk-ish period and he was a ramp skate boarder. He had 3 white dogs he adored, so the watch had a lot of symbolism for him besides being designed by skateboard company.


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