Artomatic@Frederick 2013- last weekend!

Friday night Artomatic@Frederick is having an Artist Night from 6-9. Here are some images of new pieces I will have available for sale at that time.

Collage by Chelsea Weiss of

Collage, 8" x 8".

Collage made with acrylic paint, paper, National Geographic pages activated with Citra Solv, a gel skin image and various other acrylic mediums.

Collage by Chelsea Weiss of


Collage, 8" x 8".

Collage made with acrylic paint, paper, National Geographic pages activated with Citra Solv, a gel skin image and various other acrylic mediums.

Collage by Chelsea Weiss of

Collage, 4" x 4".

Collage made with acrylic paint, paper, National Geographic pages activated with Citra Solv, a gel skin image and various other acrylic mediums.

Alcohol Ink drawing by Chelsea Weiss of

Alcohol Ink on Glass, approximately 11" x 14"-ish

Alcohol ink on a glass kitchen cabinet door.



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